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Hashtag & its importance, you should know in 2019

Most of us are aware of and familiar with the term Hashtag. While many are still in a believe that hashtags are just used to make our post look cool and attractive. Whereas some believe that hashtags are only used to express’ afterthoughts. Which is meant to add after each caption. Because of a lack of knowledge about such useful things. People try their level best to gain engagement. Their posts organically but failed every time.

Let’s understand what Hashtag actually is:

Hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media websites and applications. To identify messages on a specific topic, by adding a hashtag in your post you get to enter into a group or community of people having similar interests. When your post starts appearing to people who are already interested in content like yours, it increases your chances to get noticed & get good engagement on your post. If people will consistently see your posts on a particular hashtag on a daily basis, they will find you interesting and will follow you to get the content they want to see.

Hashtags are really important to promote your brand or identity organically. It is proven in researches that Tweets with hashtags receive 2x more engagement than those without hashtags. You can find hashtags on almost every social media site including major ones like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and linked-in too.

Now lets put some light on History of Hashtags:

#barcamp was the first hashtag used by Chris Messina in August 2007 to create groups within twitter. Afterward the concept adopts by other social media platforms too. When someone clicks on a hashtag on any of these social networks they’ll automatically be shown all other public posts that include the same hashtag. This is incredibly valuable for small businesses because it can expose your content to a wider audience, and help your business get found.

If you add too many hashtags in a single post, the chances are that it will be considered spam. Tweets with one or two hashtags have 21% higher engagement than those with three or more hashtags. Whereas Interactions are highest on Instagram posts with 11+ hashtags. It’s best to hashtag the keywords that are related to your business and industry.

So always try to add relevant, meaningful and limited hashtags in your post if you want to enjoy the benefits of hashtags.

Here are some tips to remember while adding hashtags in your post:

  1. If you want to add hashtags in your Instagram post then make sure that your account is not private or else your post will not get shown to people of a group associated with the hashtag you used in your post.
  2. Never give space in between words after putting # sign. This will break your tag and it will not be considered as a hashtag. Always write words in a single phrase.
  3. Never add hashtags that are not related to your interest or niche.
  4. Never add too much of hashtags in a single post.
  5. Always add a relatable caption along with the hashtag.
  6. Make sure the post is relatable with your hashtag or comes under the category which you are associated with and which you want people to see and show their interest in.

Here are some tools which will help you to find the most searched and trending hashtags related to your interest:

1.  Hashtagify.me

2. RiteTag

3. Tagboard

4. Twitalyzer

5. Trendsmap

In the world of Social Media, Hashtags plays a major role. It is the first most element which can provide you reach and engagement organically. Social Media gave us so many benefits, but the sad part is that still, we are unaware of them. You can see the end number of bloggers and influencers who become popular just because of their creative content and some really good hashtags. And they still use hashtags in their posts.

Many renowned personalities also use hashtags to convey messages or information. Social Media is a platform that allows you to do experiments with your creativity. So try to put some really good hashtags in your next post and improve your social presence.
